





2020-03-16 16:34:00来源:网络


  5. After the Arab conquest of Egypt in A.D. 640,Arabic became the dominant language of the Egyptians, replacing older languages and writing systems.

  (A)became the dominant language of the Egyptians, replacing older languages

  (B)became the dominant language of the Egyptians,replacing languages that were older

  (C)becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians and it replaced older languages

  (D)becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians and it replaced languages that were older

  (E)becomes the dominant language of the Egyptians,having replaced languages that were older

  6.The use of gravity waves,which do not interact with matter in the way electromagnetic waves do,hopefully will enable astronomers to study the actual formation of black holes and neutron stars.

  (A)in the way electromagnetic waves do,hopeful1y will enable

  (B)in the wav electromagnetic waves do l wil,it is hoped,enable

  (C)like electromagnetic waves,hopefully will enable

  (D)like electromagnetic waves,would enable,hopefully

  (E)such as electromagnetic waves do,will,it is hoped,enable

  7.If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area,a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,it increases the likelihood that the impact of a single crop disease or pest will be disastrous.

  (A)If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area,a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,it

  (B)If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area,as is fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,it

  (C)A practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, a single strain of plant used for a given crop over a wide area

  (D)A single strain of plant used for a given crop over a wide area,a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,

  (E)The use of a single strain of plant for a given crop over a wide area,a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,

  8.A majority of the international journalists surveyed view nuclear power stations as unsafe at present but that they wil1,or could,be made sufficiently safe in the future.

  (A)that they wil1,or could,

  (B)that they would,or could,

  (C)they will be or could,

  (D)think that they will be or could

  (E)think the power stations would or could


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