





2020-04-02 15:06:00来源:网络


  1. Agree that…

  2. A fact that

  3. Importance of

  4. Conclusion of

  5. Target at

  6. Debate over sth.(w473)

  7. Pls : a large sum of; quantities of

  8. Make it xxx to do sth

  9. Make sth sth (w484)

  10. Look to sth to do sth (LZM P24/ w108))

  11. View … as…(q147)

  12. Proposal to do ,,,(w165)

  13. A time when … ( age in which w205/Period during which / a period when (q211)/ the same year that…/the same year as noun… )(q174/w33/W217)

  14. What are now temperate areas ( w205)

  15. Over a period of a hundred years beginning in 1788 ( q220) ( wrong: 100 years, a period beginning … q220)

  16. The same time as the civilization ( q80)

  17. The same year as/that xxx is published (lzm 188)

  18. Capable of ; ability to do ;capability to do

  19. Responsible for

  20. Permit sb to do ;permit (no sb) doing (w61)

  21. Damage to

  22. Will continue to

  23. Merge with ( w172)

  24. Resistance to (w341)

  25. Help to do ( q179/q216); be helpful in doing

  26. Be trained to help find ( q236)

  27. Aid sb ( q221) (aid: verb)

  28. Aid in doing sth ( W212; aid—noun)n n

  29. In Attempt to

  30. Have no ground for

  31. Just as … so…

  32. Discourage xxx from doing

  33. Combine with(W426)

  34. Forbid to do, forbid a strike by union

  35. Demand that:

  36. Expect news to be fair (w88)

  37. X is expected to Y (q131)s

  38. Believe x to be y (q228)

  39. Estimated to be(Q14)

  40. Using account of (q11)

  41. Distinguish between a and b; distinguish a from b

  42. Allergic to xxx

  43. Attribute to xxx

  44. Spring to life in a flash of inspiration (q22)

  45. Number increased by 50% (q23)

  46. Difficult to do

  47. No less remarkable than the development of CD(q30)

  48. Sb is disinclined to recognize that…(q31)

  49. A method of protecting (q39)

  50. Method of doing ( w461)


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