





2020-06-09 16:42:00来源:网络


  3部分 :开头 正文 结尾



  The arguer may be right about ..., but he seems to neglect(fail) to mention (take into account )the face that ...


  As opposed to widely held belief that ...,I believe that ...

  Contrary to generally(commonly) accepted ideas(views) ,I argue that...

  3.Although many people believe that ..., I doubt whether the argument can bear much (further) analysis (close examnation).

  4.The advantages of B outweight any benefit we gained from A.

  5.Although it is commonly(widely/generally) accepted (held/agreed) that ...,It is unlikely to be true that ...

  6.(Indeed)There is an element (some elements) of truth in this argument(statement), but it ignores a deeper and more basic (important/essential)fact that ...

  7. It is ture that(Ture,To be sure,Admittedly,) ..., but it is unlikely(it won‘t be the case/it does not mean ) that ...

  8.The main (obvious/great) problem (flaw/drawback) with (in ) this argument(view) is that ....

  it is ignorant of the basic fact that ...

  9.It would be possible(natural/resonable) to think(believe/take the view) that ... , but it would be absurd(wrong) to claim(argure) that ...

  10.In all the discussion and debate over ..., one important fact is generally overlooked(neglected).

  11.Too much emphasis placed on (attention paid to)... may obsecure(overlook/neglect) other facts...

  12.However sound (logical/valid) this argument may be, it only skims the surface of the problem.

  13.Although I appreciate that ...,I can not agree with the title statement.

  14.As far as I am concerned, however, I believe that...

  15.Among the most convincing reasons given(cited/offered/itendified) by people for...,one should be stressed(emphasized/metioned)...

  16.There is a public contraversy nowadays over the issue of.... Those who object to ... argue that...But people who favor..., on the other hand,argue that...

  17.Currently(In recent years/In the past few years/For many years), there is(has been) a (an) general(widespread/widely held) feeling towards (concern over/attitude towards/trend towards/awareness of/realization of /illustion of/belief in )...

  18.These days we are often told that (hear about)..., but is this really the case?

  Paragraph :

  Although the popular belief is fact ,a current study(survey/investigation) indicates that...

  2.The increase faliure(success/change) in... mianly(partly/largely) results from(arise from)...

  3.As the saying goes,"..."

  4.What is also worth noticing is that...

  5.One may contribute the increase (decrease/change) to..., but ... is not by itself an andequate explnation.

  6.According to (As can be seenin / As is shown in)the figure (statistics/findings/data) released(provided) by ..., it can be learned (senn/predicted) that ...


  From what has been discussed above(Tacking into all these factors/Judging from all evidence offered), we may draw the conclusion that...

  2.All the evidece (analysis) supports (confirms/warrants/points to) a (an) unshakable (sound/unmistakable) conclusion that ...

  3.There is no immediate(effective) solution(approach/answer/remedy) to the problem of ..., but ... might be useful(helpful/beneficial).

  4.It is high time that we place great (special/considerable) emphasis on the improvement (development/promotion)of...

  5.It is necessary (essential/fundamental) that effective (proper) action (measures/steps/remedies) should be taken to prevent the situation.

  6.For the reasons given above, I feel (recommend)that...

  7.It is hoped (suggested/recommended) that great (corporate/persistent) efforts should be made to control ....



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