





2020-08-10 17:53:00来源:网络


  The Fishing Guide Who Hooked Hedge-Fund Titan Bill Ackman


  Oliver White is 32 years old, rake-thin and brown eyed, with windblown hair that pokes from his hat as if seeking the sunlight. Thanks to an unlikely meeting with one of the world’s most powerful hedge fund managers, White is a brand in the making in the fishing and travel industry. But the day we meet, at Snake Cay, an expansive flat of knee-deep water on the western shore of Great Abaco Island in the Bahamas, he has gone back to his roots.

  White stands barefoot on a platform on the back of his skiff, using an 18-foot graphite pole to nudge the shallow-draft boat along. He scans the water for bonefish, the prized fly rod quarry of the Bahamian flats, shadowy in natural silver and black camouflage.

  Leadership Lessons From Fishing Guides

  Monte Burke

  Forbes Staff

  “There’s one, man. Two o’clock,” he tells me. I spot the fish—a large one—and cast. As my 2-inch-long shrimp fly nestles on the sandy bottom, I give it a few tugs to make it lifelike. The bonefish follows the fly for a few feet, then suddenly flushes, creating a 25-yard-long wake as it flees.

  “Don’t worry, man. There’ll be others,” White tells me. And he’s right. There are many more shots at great fish—with some actually landed—during my three days at Abaco Lodge, where White is the manager and part-owner, and a very busy man. In a whirlwind 72-hour period White will simultaneously play host to a group of fun-loving Canadian doctors, sign contracts to write a book and host a fishing television show, work on a deal to sell this lodge and buy another, and pinch-hit as a guide.



  His BlackBerry is always present, its ring puncturing the serenity of the flats, as incongruous as a chain saw at an opera. But it’s all part of building a business and a brand. “I want to make some money,” White says. “But it’s about the lifestyle, too. I really like not wearing shoes.”

  One morning in January 2004 two men walked into Kau Tapen, in Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego, a lodge catering to a discriminating, highly skilled subset of the fly-fishing world. It is no place for amateurs.

  White, then 24, was one of the lodge’s head guides. He had graduated with a degree in philosophy from the University of North Carolina, then taken a job as a flyfishing guide. As it turned out, he was very good at it. He guided, among others, Blackstone’s Tony James; Bob Rich, the owner of Rich Food Products; and Ilya Sherbovich, the Moscow banker. He was entering his third year at Kau Tapen when he spied the two men. They seemed very much out of place.

  What little gear they had—waders and hats—was brand new. They did not have rods. One man had a shock of gray hair that belied his youthful face. His name was Bill Ackman, the hedge fund impresario who had, that very week, launched Pershing Square Capital Management 6,500 miles away in Manhattan. Ackman had won his fishing trip at a charity auction. “I was told it was the best place in the world to fish,” he says. The only problem: Neither he nor his friend had ever flyfished. It was the equivalent of showing up for a tee time at Augusta National when the extent of your golf experience was a few rounds of putt-putt.




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