





2020-11-10 17:42:06来源:网络


  GMAT核心词汇 supercilious

  英文解释: adjective: haughty and disdainful; looking down on others

  例句: Nelly felt the Quiz Bowl director acted superciliously towards the underclassmen; really, she fumed, must he act so preternaturally omniscient each time he intones some obscure fact—as though everybody knows that Mt. Aconcagua is the highest peak in South America.

  GMAT核心词汇 superfluous

  英文解释: "adjective: serving no useful purpose

  adjective: more than is needed, desired, or required"

  例句: "How can we hope to stay open if we don't eliminate all superfluous spending, like catered meetings and free acupucture Tuesday?

  The third paragraph in your essay is superfluous and can be deleted."

  GMAT核心词汇 supplant

  英文解释: verb: take the place or move into the position of

  例句: For many, a cell phone has supplanted a traditional phone; in fact, most 20-somethings don't even have a traditional phone anymore.

  GMAT核心词汇 surfeit

  英文解释: noun: an excessive amount of something

  例句: There was no such thing as a surfeit of shopping for Nancy--she could stay at the outlet stores from opening to closing time.

  GMAT核心词汇 surly

  英文解释: adjective: inclined to anger or bad feelings with overtones of menace

  例句: Every morning, Bhavin was a surly unhappy person, but once he ate breakfast, he became loving, laughing, and a joy to be around.

  GMAT核心词汇 surreptitious

  英文解释: adjective: stealthy, taking pains not to be caught or detected

  例句: Since his mom was a light sleeper, Timmy had to tiptoe surreptitiously through the entire house, careful to not make the floors creak, until he at last was able to enjoy his plunder: a box of chocolate chip cookies.

  GMAT核心词汇 sybarite

  英文解释: noun: a person who indulges in luxury

  例句: Despite the fact that he’d maxed out fifteen credit cards, Max was still a sybarite at heart: when the police found him, he was at a $1,000 an hour spa in Manhattan, getting a facial treatment.

  GMAT核心词汇 sycophant

  英文解释: noun: a person who tries to please someone in order to gain a personal advantage

  例句: The CEO was unaware of the damaging consequences of his choices, largely because he surrounded himself with sycophants who would never dare criticize him.

  GMAT核心词汇 taciturn

  英文解释: adjective: habitually reserved and uncommunicative

  例句: While the CEO enthusiastically shares his plans and agenda with all who will listen, the CFO is far more taciturn, rarely revealing his perspective.

  GMAT核心词汇 tact

  英文解释: noun: consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offense

  例句: In a tremendous display of tact, Shelly was able to maintain a strong friendship with Marcia, even though Marcia's husband, Frank, confessed to finding Shelley more attractive than Marcia.



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