





2020-12-18 15:36:00来源:网络


  GMAT核心词汇 saturnine

  英文解释: adjective: morose or gloomy

  例句: Deprived of sunlight, humans become saturnine; that’s why in very northerly territories people are encouraged to sit under an extremely powerful lamp, lest they become morose.

  GMAT核心词汇 savvy

  英文解释: "noun: a perceptive understanding

  verb: get the meaning of something

  adjective: well-informed or perceptive"

  例句: "Although a great CEO, he did not have the political savvy to win the election.

  The student savvies the meaning of astrophysics with little effort.

  With his savvy business partner, the company was able to turn a profit within a year."

  GMAT核心词汇 schadenfreude

  英文解释: noun: joy from watching the suffering of others

  例句: From his warm apartment window, Stanley reveled in schadenfreude as he laughed at the figures below, huddled together in the arctic chill.

  GMAT核心词汇 scintillating

  英文解释: adjective: describes someone who is brilliant and lively

  例句: Richard Feynman was renowned for his scintillating lectures—the arcana of quantum physics was made lucid as he wrote animatedly on the chalkboard.

  GMAT核心词汇 screed

  英文解释: noun: an abusive rant (often tedious)

  例句: Joey had difficulty hanging out with his former best friend Perry, who, during his entire cup of coffee, enumerated all of the government’s deficiencies--only to break ranks and launch into some screed against big business.

  GMAT核心词汇 scrupulous

  英文解释: "adjective: characterized by extreme care and great effort

  adjective: having a sense of right and wrong; principled"

  例句: "Because of his scrupulous nature, Mary put him in charge of numbering and cataloging the entire collection of rare stamps.

  Everyone trusted what he said and followed his example because he was scrupulous and honest."

  GMAT核心词汇 sedulous

  英文解释: adjective: done diligently and carefully

  例句: An avid numismatist, Harold sedulously amassed a collection of coins from over 100 countries—an endeavor that took over fifteen years, and to five continents.

  GMAT核心词汇 self-effacing

  英文解释: adjective: reluctant to draw attention to yourself

  例句: The most admirable teachers and respected leaders are those who are self-effacing, directing attention and praise to their students and workers.

  GMAT核心词汇 semblance

  英文解释: noun: an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading

  例句: While the banker maintained a semblance of respectability in public, those who knew him well were familiar with his many crimes.

  GMAT核心词汇 sententious

  英文解释: adjective: to be moralizing, usually in a pompous sense

  例句: The old man, casting his nose up in the air at the group of adolescents, intoned sententiously, “Youth is wasted on the young.”



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