





2020-12-25 16:07:39来源:网络


  GMAT核心词汇 malodorous

  英文解释: adjective: having an unpleasant smell

  例句: Some thermally active fountains spew sulfur fumes--the air around them is sometimes so malodorous that many have to plug their noses.

  GMAT核心词汇 martial

  英文解释: adjective: suggesting war or military life

  例句: Americans tend to remember Abraham Lincoln as kindly and wise, not at all martial, despite the fact that he was involved in the fiercest war America has even fought.

  GMAT核心词汇 martinet

  英文解释: noun: a strict disciplinarian

  例句: The job seemed perfect to Rebecca, until she found out that her boss was a total martinet; after each project the boss would come by to scrutinize—and inevitably criticize—every little detail of the work Rebecca had done.

  GMAT核心词汇 maudlin

  英文解释: adjective: overly emotional and sad

  例句: Just as those who were alive during the 70’s are mortified that they once cavorted about in bellbottoms, many who lived during the 80’s are now aghast at the maudlin pop songs they used to enjoy—really, just what exactly is a total eclipse of the heart?

  GMAT核心词汇 maunder

  英文解释: "verb: wander aimlessly

  verb: speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly"

  例句: "Max liked to maunder down by the seaside and pick up whatever sea shells he would stumble upon.

  After drinking two espressos each, the animated couple would maunder loudly, annoying the other patrons in the coffee shop."

  GMAT核心词汇 maverick

  英文解释: noun: someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action

  例句: Officer Kelly was a maverick, rarely following police protocols or adopting the conventions for speech common among his fellow officers.

  GMAT核心词汇 mawkish

  英文解释: adjective: overly sentimental to the point that it is disgusting

  例句: The film was incredibly mawkish, introducing highly likeable characters only to have them succumb to a devastating illnesses by the end of the movie.

  GMAT核心词汇 maxim

  英文解释: noun: a short saying expressing a general truth

  例句: Johnson initially suggests that the secret to business can be summarized in a single maxim but then requires a 300-page book to explain exactly what he means.

  GMAT核心词汇 meander

  英文解释: verb: to wander aimlessly

  例句: A casual observer might have thought that Peter was meandering through the city, but that day he was actually seeking out those places where he and his long lost love had once visited.

  GMAT核心词汇 melancholy

  英文解释: noun: a deep, long-lasting sadness

  例句: Hamlet is a figure of tremendous melancholy: he doesn't have a truly cheerful scene throughout the entire play.



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