





2018-06-15 16:23:00来源:网络



  21.(Z)Educational Theorist: Recent editorials have called for limits on the amount of homework assigned to children. They point out that free-time activities play an important role in childhood development and that large amounts of homework reduce children’s free time, hindering their development. But the average homework time for a ten year old, for example, is little more than 30 minutes per night. Clearly, therefore, there is no need to impose the

  limits these editorials are calling for.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the educational theorist’s

  argument relies?

  A. The free-time activities that ten year olds engage in most are all

  approximately equally effective at fostering development

  B. Regularly doing homework assignments improves children’s academic


  C. Individual teachers are not the best judges of how much homework to

  assign the children they teach

  D. In most schools, if not all, the homework assignments given are of a

  length that does not diverge widely from the average.

  E. Free-time activities rarely teach children skills or information that they

  can use in their academic work.

  22(Z) Political advocacy groups have begun to use information services to disseminate information that is then accessed by the public via personal computer. Since many groups are thus able to bypass traditional news sources, whose reporting is selective, and to present their political views directly to the public, information services present a more balanced picture of the complexities of political issues than any traditional news source presents.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument above depends?

  A. Information services are accessible to enough people to ensure that political advocacy groups can use these services to reach as large a percentage of the public as they could through traditional news sources.

  B. People could get a thorough understanding of a particular political issue by sorting through information provided by several traditional news sources, each with differing editorial biases.

  C. Information on political issues disseminated through information services does not come almost entirely from advocacy groups that share a single bias.

  D. Traditional news sources seldom report the views of political advocacy groups accurately.

  E. Most people who get information on political issues from newspapers and other traditional news sources can readily identify the editorial biases of those sources.

  23.(Z)Early in the twentieth century, Lake Konfa became very polluted. Recently fish populations have recovered as release of industrial pollutants has declined and the lake’s waters have become cleaner. Fears are now being voiced that the planned construction of an oil pipeline across the lake’s bottom might revive pollution and cause the fish population to decline again. However, a technology for preventing leaks is being installed. Therefore, provided this technology is effective, those fears are groundless.

  The argument depends on assuming which of the following?

  A. Apart from development related to the pipeline, there will be no new industrial development around the lake that will create renewed pollution in its waters.

  B. Other than the possibility of a leak, there is no realistic pollution threat posed to the lake by the pipeline’s construction.

  C. There is no reason to believe that the leak-preventing technology would be ineffective when installed in the pipeline in Lake Konfa.

  D. Damage to the lake’s fish populations would be the only harm that a leak of oil from the pipeline would cause.

  E. The species of fish that are present in Lake Konfa now are the same as those that were in the lake before it was affected by pollution.



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