





2018-07-14 16:58:00来源:网络



  11.(Z) Which of the following, if true , most logically completes the passage?

  A recent poll found that over 80 percent of the residents of Nalmed Province favored a massive expansion of the commuter rail system as a means of significantly easing congestion on the province’s highways and were willing to help pay for the expansion through an increase in their taxes. Nevertheless, the poll results indicate that expansion of the rail system, if successfully completed, would be unlikely to achieve its goal of easing congestion, because .

  A. most of people in favor of expanding the rail system reported less congestion during their highway commute as the primary benefit they would experience.

  B. of the less than 20 percent of residents not counted as favoring the expansion, about half claimed to have no opinion one way or the other.

  C. the twice-daily periods of peak congestion caused by people commuting in cars have grown from about an hour each to almost two and a half hours each in the past 20 years.

  D. expanding the commuter rail system will require the construction of dozens of miles of new railroads.

  E. the proposed expansion to the commuter rail system will make it possible for some people who both live and work at suburban locations to commute by rail.

  12.(Z) Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

  On the whole, scientists do their most creative work before age forty, a tendency that has been taken to show that aging carries with it a loss of creative capacity. An alternative explanation is that by age forty most scientists have worked in their field for fifteen or more years and that by then they have exhausted the opportunity for creative work in that field. Supporting this explanation is the finding that ______.

  A. the average age of recipients of scientific research grants is significantly greater than forty

  B. a disproportionately large number of the scientists who produce highly creative work beyond age forty entered their field at an older age than is common

  C. many scientists temper their own expectations of what they can achieve in their research work by their belief that their creativity will decline as they age

  D. scientists who are older than forty tend to find more satisfaction in other activities, such as teaching and mentoring, than they do in pursuing their own research

  E. there is a similar diminution of creativity with age in nonscientific fields, such as poetry and musical composition

  正确答案:A B



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