





2016-11-08 12:35:50来源:网络

  4 因果关系错


  The arguer unfairly assumes that the fact that A is due to B. However, there is no sufficient evidence which can substantiate/confirm this assumption. The speaker overlooks other factors that might also lead to the fact that (接原题的结论。比如,盈利,水平上升,总之就是作者希望的那样). As a matter of fact, the fact that A might be explained by a variety of factors. So lacking evidence to confirm this assumption, it is entirely possible that…It is equally possible that…Moreover, perhaps that…(一般情况下我推荐3种其他的可能性) In short, without considering and ruling out all of these and other possibilities, the credibility of the arguer’s conclusion is really open to doubt for the reason that each of the possibilities, if true, would serve to undermine the arguer’s conclusion./ the arguer cannot justifiably concludes that…/ I remain unconvinced that…


  结尾中的总结句: The author must consider and eliminate other possible reasons that may also lead to this result.

  5 无根据假设

  (无据攻击法)—任何题目通杀(例: 牛奶农庄数量上升一定导致牛奶价格下降)

  Moreover, the argument rests on a unconvincing assumption that A leads to B for the reason that there is no evidence given to substantiate the claim that A contributes to B. (除了调查,原题一定会给一个其他的逻辑A-B这样的非充分必要条件,本段的攻击就是针对其展开) Even if it is true that…the mere fact that(指向原题的条件) does not necessarily indicate that(原题结论). It is entirely possible that(注意,本次可能性列举是就原题条件列举,上段的列举是就结论列举,完全不同,一个是反证,一个是归谬。请大家注意)..Or perhaps….(这段列举我不建议超过2个,因为太多的列举会显得逻辑性不强。2个就够了)

  Thus, given these possible scenarios, the fact(原题的条件) prove nothing about (原题结论)


  6 错误类比

  The argument is unconvincing also because it is based on a false analogy. Failing to take into account the possible differences between A and B, the arguer makes a hasty analogy. It is entirely possible that A and B are not similar enough to justify this analogical deduction.(上面的句子是所有错误类比的题目通杀的句子, 只要有错误类比, 那么先把这几句打上) Perhaps…(两者之间可能差异一)Or perhaps…(两者之间可能差异二). Therefore, without providing sufficient information showing that most or even all of the conditions in A and B is similar or the same, the author cannot convince me that the method which is efficient in A can also be efficient in B as well. (结尾句同样是所有错误类比的题目通杀的, 只要有错误类比, 这句就写上)

  The mere fact that A is scant evidence that B would achieve its goals by following A’s example. Perhaps the same course of action would be ineffective on B due to geological differences between the two islands. Or perhaps ... In short, lacking evidence that conditions on the two islands are relevantly similar, the author cannot convince me on the basis of A’s experience that the proposed course of action would be effective in attaining Tria’s goals.

  所以我们可以看到, 错误类比也是相当好操作的一种错误, 事实上唯一需要动动脑子的就是中间两者差异的列举, 其余部分都是固定的.

  7 错误比较

  The arguer commits a false comparison for the reason that there is no evidence which can show that A and B is comparable at every aspect…(自己的论证) Therefore, without showing that A and B are really comparable at most or even all of their each aspects, the arguer’s comparison is meaningless.



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