





2018-02-03 20:24:00来源:网络

  正确答案: B



  xdf认为in which 的结构由于when,则留下AB

  A,now 与currently用词重复



  c.where there were areas now temperate.where there很wordy

  d.had existed .其实这边应该确定existed or had existed.判断应该用过去时还是用过去完成时。

  “大家都知道现在完成式是跟time 有关,time 对是用现在完成式还是用一般过去式的一个基准。如果有明确的时间或标志词例如,since 等比较好判断,但句子里没有明显的提示时应该怎么判断呢?另外的一半的判断基准是作者是否对他所表达的东西的态度 – 是一般的陈述还是强调。 如果是一般的陈述那就用一般过去时,如果作者对描述的东西的态度是强调那就用现在完成式 FOR EXAMPLE

  I didn’t eat lunch. I am not hungry 只是一般的陈述

  I haven’t eaten lunch, so I am hungry 这里的前面的部分时后面句子的原因,为了表达后面的这个结果必须强调没有吃午饭的这件事情。”以上例子引用自http://forum.chasedream.com/GMAT_SC/thread-91380-1-1.html

  过去完成时与过去式的判断标准也是如此可类推的。如果作者只是单纯地陈述,则过去式如题则应使用过去式。 所以D错误。

  E.temperate areas 是温带地区的意思


  the correct sentence in option 'A' is

  (A) in which great ice sheets had existed in now currently* temperate areas

  now and currently are redundant here.

  * - It was a typo by the original poster

  Secondly, if the sentence makes sense in both past and past perfect tense, we should usually go with the past tense rather than the past perfect.

  a couple of things about verb tenses:

  * first of all, studying verb tenses should be a low priority. verb tenses are VERY rarely tested alone -- i.e., they are usually tested in tandem with other errors, which can also be used to eliminate the choices -- so they aren't as important as more major topics, such as parallelism and pronouns.

  there's also the fact that verb tenses are by far the most difficult aspect of any language for non-native speakers to learn. (this is not a fact about the english language in particular; this fact is true about any language in the whole world.) so, if you are not a native speaker of english, you will almost certainly derive a greater return on investment by putting your study time into other aspects of these sentences. this is doubly true because, as i said above, almost no problems require the use of verb tenses to get the right answer.

  * regarding the perfect tenses (present perfect and past perfect):

  the point of the perfect tenses is to stress one of two things:

  * the completion of some action prior to the timeframe of the sentence, or

  * the persistence of some state up to the timeframe of the sentence.

  for instance, if i write by the time i arrived, all of the food had been eaten, i'm emphasizing the completion of this act -- it's all done; the food is all gone. if i write when i took him to the doctor, johnnie had already been sick for two weeks, the emphasis is not on the idea that johnnie was sick at the time of the sentence; the emphasis is on the fact that he had been sick for the previous two weeks -- a persistent condition.

  this is the reason why “an age in which great ice sheets had existed” doesn't really make sense here. the emphasis of the sentence is on the fact that the ice sheets ACTUALLY EXISTED during this time. the sentence is not meant to emphasize the persistence of the ice sheets before that age, nor is it meant to suggest that the existence of the ice sheets was a completed action. therefore, the regular past tense is better.

  again, i doubt that any of this will ever be required to solve one of these problems, but there you go.





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