





2018-07-31 11:45:04来源:新东方

  如果同学们不确定ability的用法完全可以根据the &one’s 选出A来,因为one’s ability to和one’s overall ability to;其次我们也是可以根据后半部分ability to 的表达判断出来the ability to do 才是正确的形式。

  通过以上步骤 很容易就选出A选项了。

  693. Thomas Mann’s novel Doctor Faustus offers an examination not only of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but also a skillfully navigated exploration of the major concerns of modernism.

  A. an examination not only of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but

  B. an examination not only about the difficulty of reconciling reason, will, and passion in any art form, and

  C. not only an examination of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion in any art form, and

  D. not only an examination about the difficulty with reconciling reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but

  E. not only an examination of the difficulty of reconciling reason, will, and passion in any art form, but


  A. an examination not only of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but

  B. an examination not only about the difficulty of reconciling reason, will, and passion in any art form, and

  C. not only an examination of how difficult it is to reconcile reason, will, and passion in any art form, and

  D. not only an examination about the difficulty with reconciling reason, will, and passion together in any art form, but

  E. not only an examination of the difficulty of reconciling reason, will, and passion in any art form, but

  通过对比5个选项发现B C选项都用了 "not only...and" 这个错误的搭配,所以首先排除掉。;其次根据平行排掉 A D,所以最后只有E中的 " anexamination of the difficulty of reconciling reason" 和未画线 "a skillfully navigated exploration of themajor concerns of modernism" 是平行的。


  732. The final decades of the twentieth century not only saw an explosion of the literary production among women, but there was also an intense interest in the lives and works of women writers.

  A. not only saw an explosion of the literary production among women, but there was also

  B. not only saw an explosion of literary production in women, but there was also

  C. saw not only an explosion of literary production among women, but also

  D. saw not only an explosion of the literary production by women, but it also saw

  E. saw not only an explosion of literary production by women, but also saw


  A. not only saw an explosion of the literary production among women, but there was also

  B. not only saw an explosion of literary production in women, but there was also

  C. saw not only an explosion of literary production among women, but also

  D. saw not only an explosion of the literary production by women, but it also saw

  E. saw not only an explosion of literary production by women, but also saw

  通过对比5个选项发现A B D选项都用了 " not only...but…also " 这个错误的搭配,所以首先 排除掉。说到这里,有的同学可能会质疑这个“also”的位置不可以吗?我们来看一下官方的解析:


  由此可见," not only...but…also " 这种用法是不对的。

  接下来,根据平行排除E选项,因为 E中把 " an explosion of literary production by women" 和 " saw…" 平行起来了。

  根据以上内容大家学会平行部分的了判断方法了吗?大家有没有发现,OG19中新增的三道题都是考察not only…but also这个用法,所以这个结构是不是非常重要!!!


  The 19-year-old pianist and composer performed his most recent work all over Europe, Asia, and North America last year, winning prestigious awards in both London as well as Tokyo for his achievement at so young an age, and he is hoping to continue composing now that he has returned to Chicago.

  A. winning prestigious awards in both London as well as Tokyo for his achievement at so young an age, and he is hoping

  B. winning prestigious awards both in London and Tokyo for his achievement at such a young age, and hoping

  C. having won prestigious awards both in London and Tokyo for his achievement at so young an age, hoping

  D. winning prestigious awards in both London and Tokyo for his achievement at such a young age, and he hopes

  having won prestigious awards both in London as well as Tokyo for his achievement at so young an age, and he hopes



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