





2018-08-01 11:45:00来源:新东方


  来源:新东方 武可

  那么今天老师就带着大家来看一道OG19的新题,同时讲解GMAC老头出题套路 --核心语义转换 。

  681. Heating oil and natural gas futures rose sharply yesterday, as long-term forecasts for much colder temperatures in key heating regions raised fears of insufficient supplies capable of meeting the demand this winter.

  (A) of insufficient supplies capable of meeting

  (B) of supplies that would be insufficient for meeting

  (C) of insufficient supplies that are unable to meet

  (D) that there would be supplies insufficient for meeting

  (E) that supplies would be insufficient to meet

  这道题读完之后,我们会关注到选项之间的差异是 fears 后面加 that 还是of,那么不管加of还是that句子的语法结构都是没有问题的,所以就要关注到语义的差别。

  DE选项中 that 从句后面整个句子都是核心要讲的内容,翻译成" 提升了恐惧,恐惧的内容是---供给不足以满足这个冬天的需求 " 。

  而ABC中of后面的核心成分只有一个词是supplies,翻译成 " 提升了关于供给的恐惧 " 相比较来说DE表达的语义更加完整我们会优选DE。由于E选项更加的简洁和直接所以最终选择E选项。


  1.The first trenches that were cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, have yielded strong evidence for centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East that were arising simultaneously with but independently of the more celebrated city-states of southern Mesopotamia, in what is now southern Iraq.

  (A) that were cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, have yielded strong evidence for centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East that were arising simultaneously with but

  (B) that were cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, yields strong evidence that centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East were arising simultaneously with but also

  (C) having been cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, have yielded strong evidence that centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East were arising simultaneously but

  (D) cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, yields strong evidence of centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East arising simultaneously but also

  (E) cut into a 500-acre site at Tell Hamoukar, Syria, have yielded strong evidence that centrally administered complex societies in northern regions of the Middle East arose simultaneously with but

  这道题BCD都很好排除,我们就不赘述了,最后剩下两个选项A和E, A用的是evidence for societies, E用的是 evidence that+ 从句,根据我们刚才讲的内容,很容易发现E更好,因为整个这件事情都是evidence的内容,而不是关于societies的evidence。

  说到这里,同学们会发现这两道题的共同点都是,同位语从句优于 介词+名词+修饰语,没错~ 就是这个规律! 但,其实核心语义转换的思想不仅仅能够用于 " 同位语从句优于介词+名词+修饰语 " 这个结构当中。 它有更广泛的应用,那就让老师带着你打开新世界的大门吧~

  例 2

  2. A ruined structure found at Aqaba, Jordan, was probably a church, as indicated in its eastward orientation and by its overall plan, as well as artifacts, such as glass oil-lamp fragments, found at the site.

  (A) A ruined structure found at Aqaba, Jordan, was probably a church, as indicated in its eastward orientation and by its overall plan, as well as

  (B) A ruined structure found at Aqaba, Jordan, once probably being a church, was indicated by its eastward orientation, overall plan, and

  (C) Indicating that a ruined structure found at Aqaba, Jordan, was probably a church were its eastward orientation and overall plan, but also the

  (D) A ruined structure found at Aqaba, Jordan, was probably a church, as indicates its eastward orientation and overall plan, as well as the

  (E) That a ruined structure found at Aqaba, Jordan, was probably a church is indicated by its eastward orientation and overall plan, as well as by the


  B选项的主语是A ruined structure ,把found写成了修饰成分,翻译成" 朝东的方向,整体的设计以及工艺品表明了一个毁坏的结构", E 选项的主语是" That a ruined structure found at Aqaba, Jordan,was probably a church",整个这件事是主语,翻译成“朝东的方向,整体的设计以及工艺品表明了这个毁坏的结构有可能是一个教堂”。 所以语义上一定是E更优。

  例 3 第二页继续...





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