





2018-03-21 09:07:00来源:网络



  Technology Analyst: The programmers at the website Cyberepicuria have recently made a breakthrough, solving a hard programming problem. They finally have perfected a special program in which users can enter any foods or any flavors they like, and the website will suggest different foods and food combinations with somewhat different flavors that the users will also like. The website will charge users a modest fee for access. Users of the beta version ecstatically have reported that, because of the program's suggestions, they have discovered whole new categories of food that they absolutely love. No other website offers anything like this. Because Cyberepicuria is the only website offering this service, anyone who invests in Cyberepicuria right now is likely to double or triple their money in a very short time.

  Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the analyst's argument above?

  A.Last year, the Cooking Channel aired a few episodes of "Like This? Try That!", a show in which chefs recommended foods similar in taste to known popular foods, resulting in such popularity that the show will be released as a weekly national serial later this month.

  B.According to surveys, as many as 60% of Americans report being tired of eating the same foods over and over again.

  C.The flavor or taste of any food depends on number of complex chemical properties, making it an extremely difficult quality to model with a computer program.

  D.The human experience of a taste of any food has more to do, than most people realize, with the subtle scents received by the olfactory system as well as with the texture and tenderness of the food.

  E.When a dish has a number of ingredients, adding or subtracting or substituting just one spice or flavor involved, however small the quantity involved, can radically change the overall taste of the dish. 


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